View Profile devicer4321
Blurb? What kind of retarded word is that? Who creates these retarded sounding words? o.O


Can't remember.....

As if im ganna tell you that..

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devicer4321's News

Posted by devicer4321 - August 8th, 2009

Well, progress has slowed down more because I've started working on a new project which is going be for madness day! ^^ So far, it's turning out pretty good I think....
And to show you I'm not lying here's a screenie just for you! xD (this guy in the screenie is going to be the main "bad guy" in my new movie.


Posted by devicer4321 - August 2nd, 2009

Amazingly, after getting back from vacation yesterday, I have done almost everything that is needed to do for my movie all in about 4 hours!

I've created a main menu and a password to unlock it; I've finished all the sounds, and voices and scenes and animation; I've fixed the mouse graphics; I've learned some extra actionscript; and I've eaten a carrot without sauce, traveled the world before you could say "holy skippadee shmuckers," and finally, SWALLOWED.....SOME.....WHALE???

Point is, I did a lot in a small amount of time.... So now you ask: "WHAT HAVE YOU LEFT UN-DONE, ALMIGHTY FISH FACE?" And I'll respond: " I STILL HAVE TO ADD SUBTITLES, BECAUSE A GOOD AMOUNT OF VOICES ARE UNCLEAR, MUAHAHAHAH," and all that jazz.......

So again basically all I have to do is at subtitles, and then I'll release my movie, but bare in mind this is my first real big movie project without stick figures and is also about 10 minutes long (Awsomeness!) {i've added some movies here with some very basic non stick characters who had very basic animation, they barely could move, rofl!}

With all that said, Happy Sunday! [by the way, expect bad graphics xD]

Posted by devicer4321 - July 16th, 2009

yea well I know everyone wanted to see my new flash movie this week, but I guess it's not happening... why, you might ask? Because my microphone decided not to work today! Which means I cant finish the dialouge, and therefore I cant finish the movie! All you can do is sit on your knees, and pray to god that it works tomorrow, and that I can finish it all in one day! Yippe jumbo shrimp coconuts, People! Okay... well....I'm done venting out my anger.....That's all I can think to say right now....and again I'm sorry, but it's not my fault that my bloody microphone isnt working.....

With all that said.... Have a great Thursday afternoon!!! xD

Posted by devicer4321 - July 14th, 2009

So, Now my movie is about 6 minutes and 40 seconds long.....and I'm trying to finish it before I leave for vacation which is this Saturday, however I have a lot to do....

To do list
-finish story line (Including a fight scene(s), and some explosion at the end)
-add subtitles
-add a menu page with Bios, scene select, ect...
-and some other stuff

Also I was hoping to have the movie be 10 minutes long or in other words have 9000 frames done, but I'm not sure if that's possible..... Anyway I just came to post that If it doesnt come out this week, the movie will be out somewhere next month, which is what I expected, but I thought I could do it faster, so yea....

Oh and I guess the above part may mean no trailer.... sorry to anyone who visits my page, but I guess the trailer was never meant to be....

With all that said, Happy July 14, 2009! (And, no I don't mean Bastille Day. xD)

EDIT: My movie is now about 7 minutes and 20 seconds long..... (Help me guys...I think I'm a postaholic =o)

Posted by devicer4321 - July 10th, 2009

Just a little screenshot for anyone who is viewing this page....(OMGZ! xD)

By the way Note: I'm about 5 minutes and 20 seconds into my movie, Muhahahah!

Everything is going well and smoothly

Posted by devicer4321 - July 7th, 2009

So, here I am, telling anyone who reads my page about my progress on my movie.... Well, instead of speeding up my progress, I've seemed to slow down lol..... and the movie therefore will be shorter then expected, but we shall see.... Fore you see, young padawon, I have a life too. And I want to spend my life doing something else other then making flash movies sometimes....anyhow... also I've been trying to learn some actionscript... so in the end.....I guess I have no point....

So... progress.... progress...Progress!!! Here is my progress so far:

-I've done most of the story line, just gatta have a few people killed, a fight scene, and a really cool explosion effect at the end of the movie....

-I've changed the graphics of the cursor (still haven't decided if I like it though)

-Im somewhere near 4 minutes into my movie,....

-This whole movie has voices for each character all done by none other then me. (AWSOMENESS!)

The need to do list (MUHAHAHA)

-kill some people, fight scene, and really cool explosion effect

-add subtitles to make sure everyone understands what each loser-I... -I mean character... character is saying.....

-Finish the dang story line

-Switch some music around, and fix sound levels of some of the dialogue between the characters...

-Maybe create a trailer....

Other notes

-The movie's graphics are crappy but again Im still getting used to flash, so give me a break, LOL!

Posted by devicer4321 - June 26th, 2009

Ok, so just wanted to tell everyone of you land lubbers about my progress....
I'm now at 150 seconds into my new movie...however, even though the graphics are bad, I somehow managed to make the movie size already 5 MB! I mean, wtf? LOL......And i'm not even close to being done....
My point is that I might have to have this movie be in parts, but we shall see......With all that said...
Happy Friday! xD

Posted by devicer4321 - June 20th, 2009

okay so, just wanted to let you all know that right now my movie is about 85 seconds long....which is a really small number......however, im hoping to have it be about 10 minutes long, so like 9000 frames....I must remind you though, the graphics of this movie are crappy due to me having a very bad version of photoshop (its like paint, but with a few filters, and extras, thats it, lol), none the less, im hoping its funny parts might win ye old scurby dogs over! har har har! So yea, thats it.....

EDIT: I have decided to or at least try to make 2 new movies! one of which, the one im doing now, will have bad graphics, but will be somewhat funny, and the second one, coming later in the summer, will be mostly focused on graphics and not humor.... with all that said, Happy Saturday! Oh and btw, here's a screenie for a possible character in my 2nd movie im planning to make.... mwhahahahaha!

EDIT #2: Movie time for today has been extended to 118 seconds....so basically I have done 33 seconds of work today (sunday, June 21, 2009).... nothing has been or will be done for my other movie until im done with this movie.... that is all.... thx for reading xD

EDIT #3: Today is June 23, 2009, and I have done 17 seconds of work on my movie, however, I have reached a set of crossroads, fore you see, one of my characters has a voice that I cannot seem to get out of my own bloody throat! So, I might need some vocal assistance from one of you generous newgrounders. But this is just a maybe situation, I still maybe able to get the voice I need from my own damn throat (even though it's failed numerous times)! har har har!

Hueston, we have an update of the all new delta flash movie....=o!

Posted by devicer4321 - June 17th, 2009

Right now I have finals for school, so yea, my progress for my new movie is basically none this week....
however, once I take my last final, which is this friday, progress should start up again, then during the summer, after I see my awsomely crappy grades, it will be show time! Somewhere during July, I hope to release a small trailer for all ye folks out there! =D! xDDDDDDDDDD! =o! Then, some possible screenies, and then finally somewhere in august if not sooner, I hope to release the movie! CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR JUNK!

As you can also see, I've changed the images of my banner, my user image, and my icon image! Hope you like them! xD

With all that said, Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by devicer4321 - June 9th, 2009

Thats right the creature that you saw in my last post seems to be getting stronger.... the darker more evil look of armor, the new deadlier firey blade, the new 5 fingered hands, and the goggles look better then ever! he truely is getting stronger, whoever he is.....

*a new screenshot of the beast should be available below.....*

In other newz

My movie however is at a stand still right now... but i'm trying my best to work on it... im now at a good eh.... 5%-10% done right now.... I guess..... xD; but trust me, once summer kicks school in the ass.... things should start moving a lot smoother, and possibly faster.....
with all that said... happy OMG! *looks down* holy tuesday!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh.........

The monster still keeps developing.... =O!