I dont think i know you ppl here at Newgrounds, but you definately know my bro: devicer321;
yea i took his name xD....
anyway i dont know what you did to him, but he was never the same since the first day he joined here.... HOW DARE HE QUESTION THE PURPOSE OF CHEESE!
But im completely different from him, so there's no way you can make me question the point of cheese!
Anyway so yea xD
Looking forward to seeing all those wonderful faces behind those computers (that doesnt mean im ganna stalk anyone >.>)......
Also i have a flash submission coming in for all wee little ones or wee big ones o.O
ill release it soon (perhaps in the next hour *24 music soundtrack starts playing* omg =o!)
It's my first non-stick animation, so be kind xD.....
So yea......
um hmmm anything else i have to tell ye drunken swab goblins of deh north?
i guess not..... so um.... anyone wana say hi back xD?
Hope to see you guys around here often! Have Fun doing stuffs... like wasting your time rating and watching pointless movies! xD